Tuesday, May 5, 2020

COVID Downtime: Learn to Use Promo

I was in Europe when the coronavirus began to manifest itself. Those from Asia were wearing masks and gloves when I flew out of SFO. On my way home a month later in Paris, there were a few more masks and gloves, but no one seemed to be alarmed, including me. I was just delighted to be on an airplane with the luxury of empty seats. More than two months later, our pleasant, predictable lives have irrevocably changed. We’re in lockdown. We’ve stooped to hording toilet paper and bleach. Fantasizing about meeting our friends for drinks, going to a movie or getting a haircut. 

They tell us to stay productive

One article recommended setting goals and deadlines, scheduling breaks and lunch. I don’t know about you, but I’m not having any problem with breaks, and lunch is way too easy. Many of us wonder what we’ll look like when this is over. 

So now we have a little more time on our hands

While I’m busy, I’m saving time by not having to drive back and forth to meetings. I want to use this time productively.

Promo.com: A snappy promo application

I wanted a promotion application, and I found Promo.com. This little tool is pretty snappy. It’s fun, easy to use and affordable. I spent a few hours figuring out how to create my own little four-frame video that I can use in a number of ways—on social media sites or a website to promote a new product or sale. I’m doing a YouTube advertising campaign with one client, and this application will pair with the video, then link to a landing page on our website.

Use Promo as a turnkey product or customize

Promo.com be used as a turnkey product. Choose from millions of stock footage clips, high-quality photos and royalty-free music. Add your logo, swap out the text and it’s ready to go. But I like to customize this product. It’s very easy to import your own images or a video into the application. You have little frames where you can then select from Promo’s music choices and your own content. You can choose the font and how you want the text to show up on the video—it can slide in or pop and land on the page, etc. Wrap up your little video with a call to action–your name, contact and logo. 

This is a really great time to create or update your website

A website has a shelf life. Content becomes dated, styles change. If a website was built in WordPress, we can often apply a new template and create a completely fresh look, updating your site with a new look and feel without having to start from scratch. I’m using this time to completely redo my own site, and I’m going to simplify it. I’ve got more than 300 blogs on my site. Time for some serious housecleaning before migrating these into the new environment. 
If you’re thinking that this is a great time to redo your own website, contact Top of Mind Marketing. We’re writers and content marketing experts.

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